Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Living Green...

When people think about sustainable living they tend to think about energy efficiency. But today there are lots of ways that people, especially people living in urban environments can help sustain the environment. In class we learned about the guidelines set out by the NAHB (National Association of Home Builders). The NAHB is focused on sustained growth which includes the types of materials and placement of new homes. But if you are living in a city there are many ways to reduce your carbon footprint and be more environmentally conscious that do not have to do with building. There are loads of websites and organizations that can help you on your quest. Even in a smaller area like Blacksburg there are things you can do. One of the easiest ways to reduce your energy consumption (and your budget) is to take public transportation. Especially with the rise of Smart Cities it is becoming easier to use multiple forms of alternative transportation at a low cost and in seamless transition. Here in Blacksburg we have a phenomenal bus system that can take you almost anywhere you need to go. There are other small things you can do as well that help reduce transportation costs. Buying food at a local farmer's market not only allows you to support local farmers but it also takes away from the large amount of transportation that is required to bring items to larger grocery stores. When it is nice outside hang your clothes on the line and save the energy and heat created by your dryer. Living green may seem at times to be a chore but when you receive your energy bill you may be pleasantly surprised.

-Kate Chambers


  1. I really like how you focus on Blacksburg going green. I think this community and scholl are doing a lot to make our footprint that much smaller!

    -Neal Moriconi

  2. Going green is very important, it not only will lower the global warming, but it will also make it cheaper to live and will improve the quality of life all at the same time.

    -Sean Ledbetter

  3. Great post. As everybody knows, living green is pretty unsuitable for some people. Some people will not be able to finish their "everyday" tasks without a car, because a bicycle is too slow for them. Or some people cannot change their current house utilities to get environment friendly ones (which by the way another great way to scam people's money), because their income does not allow it.
